Graduate Program
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Science Studies website:
Science Studies Program Director: Kelly Gates
Science Studies Program Staff: Jennifer Dieli
Sociology-Science Studies Faculty Advisor: Daniel Navon
The Science Studies Program at UC San Diego was established in 1989. At present, the Program involves sixteen core faculty members and thirty-six graduate students from the Program's "home" departments of communication, history, philosophy, and sociology. Students and faculty in the Program are committed to working toward deeper understanding of scientific knowledge in its full cultural and historical context. The Program offers students an opportunity to integrate the perspectives developed within the communication of science, history of science, sociology of science, and philosophy of science, while receiving a thorough training at the professional level in one of those disciplines.
Science Studies faculty in Sociology are particularly interested in the sociology of scientific knowledge, sociology of medicine, sociology of the social sciences, sociology of mental health, and politics and social policy in science, technology, and medicine (STM).
Science Studies program faculty from the sociology department:
(Effective September 2016)
In addition, the Sociology Department requires that all of its students take SOCG 208 A/B (Graduate Student Seminar), and the Science Studies Program requires students to complete an internship requirement and to make a presentation in the colloquium series.
Total: 16 courses and 2 proseminars (66 units).
SSP students will defend two field exams, to be completed by end of Winter quarter of Year 3.
Like all other Sociology students, Science Studies students in Sociology will defend two field exams in Year 3. The subject of each exam must match an ASA section name. Science Knowledge and Technology will almost certainly be one of the exams that all SSP students select. Then, they will choose a second exam in, for example, Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Medical Sociology, Theory, etc. The reading lists for the two exams should be unique and separate. The two members of each committee must not overlap—please see the general Sociology Field Exam Guidelines for more information on format/timing/organization.
SSP students must hand in two papers by the end of Spring quarter Year 3, one of which must be endorsed as “publishable.”
SSP students have two options for completing the paper requirement. They can either write:
SSP students, like all Sociology students, must defend their prospectus by the end of Spring quarter Year 4 and be prepared to submit their “publishable paper” from the previous year.
Again, please see the general Sociology guidelines for more information on preparing the prospectus and holding the defense.