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Courses & Scheduling

Information on the Annual Schedule, Quarterly Schedule, Summer Session, Petitioning Coursework, Preauthorization, Full Course List, and Prerequisites, can be found in the tabs below our Course Spotlight. 

Visit for further important enrollment and registration information for 2024- 2025.

For Sociology course descriptions please visit the UCSD course catalog at:

Course Spotlights & Updates

Please see below for highlights, updates, and further description on courses:

Our Annual Schedule for the 24-25 Academic Year is available! See the "Annual Schedule" tab below for current and past schedules.

Please note that the Annual Schedule is subject to change, however it is our most finalized offerings at this time.

Annual Schedule

We strive to provide the most up-to-date information on our annual course schedule.  Please note, that it is a tentative list and as such, is subject to change.

Courses aside from SOCI 1, SOCI 2, SOCI 60, & SOCI 100 are unique to each quarter, and such, are subject to change on when they are offered each quarter of the academic year. For Summer offerings, see our Sociology Summer Session Page.

The following courses are offered regularly in their respective quarters: 

  • SOCI 1 (Fall)
  • SOCI 2 (Winter)
  • SOCI 60 (Each Quarter- Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • SOCI 100 (Each Quarter- Fall Winter, Spring)
  • SOCI Lower Division Elective (SOCI 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70)- Varies (generally at least one LD Elective is available each quarter. See our Annual Schedule for specifics)

Current Schedule:

Past Schedules:

Quarterly Schedule on WebReg (Specific Course Times)

Our Quarterly course schedule that lists our course times can be found on the Schedule of Classes

Sociology Undergraduate courses are listed under subject code “SOCI – Sociology”; Graduate courses are listed under subject code “SOCG – Soc/Graduate” 

Petition Coursework

How do I petition a course from an outside university or an outside department?

To petition to apply course work completed from an outside university (summer school, community college, study abroad, etc.) or another department at UCSD towards your upper division electives in a major or minor in sociology, students must submit a General Petition to the department once the coursework has appeared on their degree audit.

The petition should include: name of the study center or university where course work was completed, department course number and course title, and number and level (upper- or lower-division) of credits granted through UC San Diego Admissions Office. Students should attach a copy of the syllabus and copies of exams or papers, especially if there is any doubt about the difficulty of the course or its sociological content.

Students are strongly advised to retain the syllabi, course papers, examinations, and all other paperwork from courses taken outside of UC San Diego. These materials may be useful after you return to facilitate the admissions officer's decision about credit transfers, as well as departmental approval of courses toward the major/minor requirement. The same materials may help resolve any debates that might arise in the department over possible duplication in course content.

Only 4 outside Upper Division courses (whether from a different department at UCSD, or from an outside institution) are allowed to apply towards the major. Further information about petitioning coursework can be found here:

Submission of Petition

Petitions must be submitted online. If you have questions please speak with a Sociology Advisor.

Petitions cannot be submitted through VAC, as the web portal does not allow students to upload any documents.

Preauthorization with the EASy System

What is pre-authorization?

There are circumstances in which a student will be unable to enroll in courses that they are eligible for, or a student may be interested in taking courses that they don't meet the formal pre-requisites for. Examples include:

  • Freshmen with sophomore standing attempting to enroll in freshman seminar courses
  • Students who will obtain junior standing at the end of a quarter, but are unable to enroll in upper division courses during their enrollment period mid-quarter.

Students are able to submit a rrequest via the Enrollment Authorization System to request enrollment authorization for classes. 

Submitting a pre-authorization request via the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy):

If the class you wish to enroll in has prerequisites or restrictions, please submit your preauthorization request via the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). Requests are subject to review and you will receive an email once it's processed. Please allow 2-3 business days to process. Requests take longer to process during enrollment time, please plan accordingly. 

Please note that the EASy request does not guarantee enrollment, if your request is approved you will still be required to enroll in the course via WebReg.

Full Course List

Our full course list (TBA) includes courses that have yet to be added onto the General Catalog and annotations for cross-listed courses.

Course Prerequisites

While most of our courses don't have prerequisites, here are the few classes that do:

  • SOCI 87: a seminar limited to Freshman (upperclassman can enroll once a quarter begins, upperclassman should submit an EASy request to request enrollment- see Preauthorization tab above)
  • SOCI 102: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 103M: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 104: Sociology majors only and SOCI 60
  • SOCI 105: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 106: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 106M: SOCI 178 and SOCI 60
  • SOCI 107: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 108: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 109: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 109M: SOCI 60 & enrollment in either the RA program or MMFRP program (See special academic programs tab for more information)
  • SOCI 110: SOCI 60
  • SOCI 192: a seminar for Seniors; must have consent from department
  • SOCI 196A/B: for students accepted into the Sociology Honors Program
  • SOCI 199: application required 

Upper-division standing (90+ units) is required for all upper-division courses.

Sociology Concurrent Enrollment Policy (UCSD Extension students)


Concurrent enrollment will allow individuals to take courses at UCSD without having to go through the traditional admissions process.

Concurrent Enrollment through UC San Diego Extension provides the opportunity for those who are not registered UC San Diego students to enroll in undergraduate classes at UC San Diego. Concurrent Enrollment students are part of the UC San Diego community and are expected to follow University and UC-wide policies, including the Student Conduct Code and the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship.

The following information is exclusively for enrollment in undergraduate classes at the Department of Sociology. For all other non-SOCI classes, please refer to the department website for more information.

Department of Sociology Concurrent Enrollment Policies:

If a course has available seats (at least more than 5 available seats), we will do our best to accommodate Concurrent Enrollment students. Sociology undergrad classes are high in demand and Concurrent Enrollment students potentially may not be able to enroll in any classes if a specific course remains full.

Otherwise, If a course if full or if there is a waitlist, the department of Sociology will review and process  requests during week 3 of each quarter, in the order received.

  • If approved by the instructor and space is available in the requested course and section, the Sociology Department will approve enrollment. Extension will provide further guidance on the next steps and the payment process.
  • If denied by the instructor and/or if space is not available in the requested course and section, the request will be denied and returned to the student

Important Notes:

  • Submit EASy Request (previously called E-Add card) per course.
  • Requests are not reviewed before or after the third week of each quarter.

For courses with waitlists/ that are full: Concurrent enrollment students may be eligible to enroll in a Sociology undergrad class after all registered UC San Diego students have completed enrollment (starting Monday of Week 3), and if open seats become available. 

Classes that are full or continue to have a waitlist on Friday of Week 2 are unavailable for enrollment to Concurrent Enrollment students.

For courses that have 1-2 seats remaining: If a course has only 1-2 remaining seats available, then priority of these seats will be reserved for current UCSD students to allow them the option to enroll in Sociology courses. Concurrent enrollment students may be eligible to enroll in a Sociology undergrad class after all registered UC San Diego students have completed enrollment (starting Monday of Week 3), and if open seats remain. 

Unavailable Sociology Undergrad Classes: Classes that are full or continue to have a waitlist on Friday of Week 2 are unavailable for enrollment to Concurrent Enrollment students. 

Concurrent Enrollment Process:

Students who are interested in Concurrent Enrollment should first register with UC San Diego Concurrent Enrollment. The Sociology department requires both instructor and Sociology advising approval. 

After you have registered with UC San Diego Concurrent Enrollment. Follow the five steps outlined for Concurrent Enrollment.

There are many contingencies reviewed for Concurrent Enrollment approvals.

  • Instructor preferences/ Approval
  • Number of open seats available in the class
  • Class operation restrictions (i.e. Teacher Assistant allocations, class software, etc.)

Concurrent Enrollment For Readmission

For students who have been academically disqualified from UCSD and are seeking readmission, you may be eligible for the UC San Diego College Readmission Concurrent Enrollment program. Contact your college academic advising office to discuss your options and next steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I enroll in a Sociology class as a Concurrent Enrollment student?

Students should first register with UC San Diego Concurrent Enrollment. Your Extension Program Advisor will provide the next steps.

What are my chances of getting into a Sociology undergrad class?

We do not know your chances of enrolling in a Sociology undergrad class. There are many factors, that make it difficult to make a prediction. Please follow the policies and instructions provided for the best chance of enrolling in a Sociology undergrad class.

Can I place myself on a waitlist? 

No, concurrent enrollment students cannot place themselves on waitlists.

I need to enroll in 12 units this quarter. Do I have priority to enroll in a Sociology undergrad class?

No. Priority enrollment is not available for Concurrent Enrollment students. Please work with your Extension Program Advisor for further course recommendations, and review our policies on “Contingencies reviewed for Concurrent Enrollment approvals”

The Schedule of Classes online shows that there are available seats in a class, can I enroll?

No. The Schedule of Classes online does not accurately represent seat availability for Concurrent Enrollment students. The Schedule of Classes can only provide a general overview of which classes are high in demand. Classes that continue to be full or have a waitlist on Friday of Week 2 are closed to Concurrent Enrollment students. Please work with your Extension Program Advisor for further course recommendations, and review our policies on “Contingencies reviewed for Concurrent Enrollment approvals”.

An instructor said I can join their class. Can I enroll in the class?

No. Instructors do not manage enrollment in Sociology undergraduate classes. An instructor’s approval does not mean enrollment into a class. All enrollment needs to go through Extension and Sociology Advising.

Still have a question?

Please contact your Extension Program Advisor with any additional questions or clarification.

UC San Diego Concurrent Enrollment