Leon Zamosc

- Biography
- Publications
Leon Zamosc received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Haifa (Israel), and his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester (England). Before joining UCSD, he was an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Kansas. He has written in Spanish and English on Latin American social history and peasant political participation. His book, The Agrarian Question and the Peasant Movement in Colombia (Cambridge University Press), won the 1986 Hubert Herring Award for best book of the year on Latin America. He teaches social change, development issues, social movement and Latin American societies.
Zamosc , Leon , Manuel Chiriboga and Estela Martinez (eds.): Estructuras Agrarias y Movimientos Campesinos en America Latina, 1950-1990; Madrid: Centro De Publicaciones, Ministerio De Agricultura, Serie Estudios, 1997. Translated title: Agrarian Structures and Peasant Movements in Latin America ,1950-1990.
Leal, Francisco and Leon Zamosc (eds.): Al Filo del Caos: Crisis Politica en la Colombia de los Anos Ochenta, Bogota : Tercer Mundo Editores, 1990. Translated title: On the Edge of Chaos: The Colombian Political Crisis of the 1980s.
Zamosc , Leon : The Agrarian Question and the Peasant Movement in Colombia, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Zamosc , Leon : Los Usuarios Campesinos y las Luchas por la Tierra en la Decada del Setenta, Bogota : Editorial CINEP, 1983. Translated title: The Peasant Movement and the Land Struggles of the 1970s in Colombia.
Zamosc , Leon : El Fique y los Empaques en Colombia , Bogota , Ed.: Fundacion Mariano Ospina Perez, 1981. Translated title: Sisal and the Sacking Industry in Colombia.
Zamosc , Leon and J.G. Giviria: Curiti, Pueblo de Tejedores , Bogota , Ed.: Universidad Javeriana, 1980. Translated title: Curiti, a Town of Weavers.