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Booking Travel and Prepaying Expenses

The Sociology Department has provided the following guidance and resources for UCSD business travel and information on how to setup prepayments and information on long-term travel.

Before you travel...

UC San Diego policy requires that all business travel, including employees and guests, is booked in Concur through Concur Travel.  Concur Travel is also available for personal travel. 

Concur is a secure platform for booking university business travel. It automatically applies UC-negotiated prices with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies.

UCSD prepays airfare booked in Concur, avoiding the out-of-pocket expense, and purchases will automatically display in the employee's Available Expenses. Your travel profile stores your UCSD Travel and Entertainment Card for hotel and rental car expenses.

If you have not already done so, please setup a trip request before booking any travel by following the instructions here and reaching out to Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke.

Booking Airfare

  • Book airfaire from the Concur home page. Your travel profile in Concur should be completed in profile settings before booking travel. Additional booking guidance can be found here. Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke is also available to answer questions.
  • Since Concur is only accessible for UC employees, business travel for non emplyee guests (Colloquium, event guest speakers, ect) will be set up in Concur with the assistance of the Fiscal Assistant. A guest can book business travel directly with Balboa travel after initially contacting the Fiscal Assistant.
  • When booking business travel through Concur, you are automatically enrolled in UC’s traveler insurance program, covering a wide range of incidents and accidents across the globe.
  • Information for booking personal travel in Concur can be found here.
Note: Before booking airfare for business travel, you must have a trip request event number following preauthorization requirements.

Exceptions to Coach or Economy Class

Coach fare or the equivalent should be used whenever available and practical. Reimbursement will be based on the actual fare. 

  • Business and first class airfare is allowed only under the following conditions when:
    • Business or first-class service is the only service offered between two points;
    • Coach class would be more expensive or time consuming (such as when scheduling difficulties would require an unnecessary hotel expense, circuitous routing, or an unduly long layover when making connections);
    • An itinerary involves overnight travel without an opportunity for normal rest before the commencement of working hours
    • A medical need or disability requires accommodation. The need/ disability must be certified by a physician and chronic conditions updated annually, except in the case of permanent conditions which require a certification stating such.
    • For additional information please see UCSD's Exceptions to Coach and Economy Class Travel
  • Fees for early check in, priority boarding, or seat selection are reimbursable only when the original ticket is booked in Concur or with the Travel & Entertainment Card and there is no change to the class of travel.  A business purpose for the purchase is required.
  • Consider the fund source. Some fund sources may restrict first class, business, or other higher cost service of travel. In cases where the fund source policy is more restrictive than UC/ UC San Diego policy, the more restrictive policy applies.


Lodging within the Continental U.S. and for travel that last fewer than 30 days

Before you book a room, find out how to get discounted hotel rates through Concur Travel. Note that:

  • Effective October 15, 2017, the UC maximum lodging rate for reimbursement is $275 before taxes and mandatory hotel fees.
    You won’t be reimbursed for in-room charges such as gym or movie fees.
    An expense for lodging within the vicinity of your home or headquarters is generally not eligible for reimbursement unless an early start time is combined with a distance greater than 40 miles from the headquarters or home, whichever is closest. 

Reserve a room using one of these methods:

Note: If you reserve a room more than 21 days in advance and your card will be charged rather than held to secure the room, reconsider using your Travel & Entertainment Card to avoid any out-of-pocket expenses.

Pay for your hotel using one of these methods:

  • Charge the bill to your Travel & Entertainment Card and claim the expense after your trip.
  • Use a personal form of payment and request reimbursement after your trip.

After your trip, your expenses will be reconciled in Concur.

  • Travel & Entertainment Card Holders: All Travel & Entertainment Card Charges are centrally billed and paid for by the University and uploaded to Concur Travel. All Travel & Entertainment Card Charges must be reconciled within 45 days from the trip or event end date.It is the travel card holder's responsibility to submit any receipts in a timely manner for processing.

Conference Fees

Follow the appropriate instructions for the payment method:

  • UC San Diego Travel & Entertainment Card:
    • Provide the card number and ask for a confirmation number.
      Note: Travel merchants sometimes use non-travel merchant codes. If your transaction is declined, contact the Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke so that a case via Services & Support can be submitted. Requests can take up to 24 business hours.
  • Personal credit card:
    • Provide the card number and ask for a confirmation number.
    • You must complete the trip before requesting reimbursement.
  • Procurement Card: If no other travel will be claimed for reimbursement, no trip number is required and the conference registration fee may be paid for using the department's procurement card. Please contact Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke. if you are only requesting reimbursement for conference registration. 

Additional Resources & FAQ

Additional information on UCSD Travel:

How do I pay for pre-conference expenses such as registration and hotel deposit?

If you have to pre-register for a conference or hotel stay more than 21 days in advance of your travel, you have a few options for payment.

  1. You can pay on a personal card. (You will not be reimbursed until after the trip.)
  2. You can request UCSD submit a check on your behalf. Please notify Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke at a minimum of 30 days in advance before the check is due.
  3. You can put the registration or hotel deposit on your UCSD Travel & Entertainment Card.  
  4. You can put the registration on the departmental procurement card if no other travel expenses are being claimed.

Per Diem/Long Term Travel

Per-Diem for Travel

Sociology faculty and students may claim per diem expenses (refleciting actual costs) for certain types of travel. To see if your travel qualifies, please visit UCSD's Per Diem For Travel.

Claiming Actual Expenses

The claim should reflect the traveler's actual costs up to the per diem rate. Travelers can claim:

  • Actual expenses that are less than the per diem rate (best option).
    • To claim actual expense less than per diem does not require receipts and can be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. For example, a traveler may keep a log of expenditures and use it to calculate expenses.
  • The per diem rate (only if actual expenses are equal to the per diem rate).
  • An exception to per diem when actual expenses exceed per diem and required conditions are met.

Cash Advance

If you are traveling to a remote location and/or conducting long-term travel, please reach out to Fiscal Assistant Rick Clarke on setting up a potential cash advance for your trip. Cash Advances may be setup upto 2 weeks in advance of the trip start date and should be reconciled monthly with the trip. A partial cash advance is generally for meals, incidental expenses, and ground transportation. The requested amount must be appropriate for the nature and duration of the travel.

If you have any additional questions on these policies, please contact Fund Manager Teresa Wassum.

Travel Links