- tmedvetz@ucsd.edu
Office: SSB 485
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Thomas Medvetz. 2012. “Murky Power: ‘Think Tanks’ as Boundary Organizations.” Pp. 113-33 in David Courpasson, Damon Golsorkhi, and Jeffrey J. Sallaz, eds. Rethinking Forms of Power in Organizations, Institutions, and Markets. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Thomas Medvetz. 2012. “‘Scholar as Sitting Duck’: The Cronon Affair and the Buffer Zone in American Public Debate.” Public Culture 24(1): 47-53.
Gross, Neil, Thomas Medvetz, and Rupert Russell. 2011. “The Contemporary American Conservative Movement.” Annual Review of Sociology 37: 325-354.
Medvetz, Thomas. 2010. “‘Public Policy is Like a Having a Vaudeville Act’: Languages of Duty and Difference Among Think Tank-Affiliated Policy Experts.” Qualitative Sociology 33(4): 549-562.
Medvetz, Thomas. 2010. “Terra Obscura: Vers une Théorie des Think Tanks Américains.” [“Terra Obscura: Toward a Theory of American Think Tanks.”] Pp. 139-157 in Yann Bérard and Renaud Crespin, eds. Aux Frontières de L’expertise: Dialogues Entre Saviors et Pouvoirs. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.Medvetz, Thomas. 2009. “Les think tanks aux États-Unis: L’émergence d’un sous-espace de production des savoirs.” [“Think Tanks in the United States: The Emergence of a Subspace of Knowledge Production.”] Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 176-177: 82-93.
Medvetz, Thomas. 2008. “Think Tanks as an Emergent Field.” New York: Social Science Research Council.
Medvetz, Thomas. 2006. “The Strength of Weekly Ties: Relations of Material and Symbolic Exchange in the Conservative Movement.” Politics & Society 34(3): 343-368.